Tuesday , September 10 2024


Last week, the one-woman zeitgeist that is Oprah reran her Favorite Things for Spring episode, and along with a bunch of stupid girl stuff, she picked an iPod. At least she’s a little bit funkier than Martha. Has her magic wand contributed to Apple’s recent success and high visibility?

About Eric Olsen

Career media professional and serial entrepreneur Eric Olsen flung himself into the paranormal world in 2012, creating the America's Most Haunted brand and co-authoring the award-winning America's Most Haunted book, published by Berkley/Penguin in Sept, 2014. Olsen is co-host of the nationally syndicated broadcast and Internet radio talk show After Hours AM; his entertaining and informative America's Most Haunted website and social media outlets are must-reads: Twitter@amhaunted, Facebook.com/amhaunted, Pinterest America's Most Haunted. Olsen is also guitarist/singer for popular and wildly eclectic Cleveland cover band The Props.

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