Wednesday , May 8 2024
With so many works about leadership and taking care of people, where do you look for more indepth answers?

Book Review: ‘The Art and Ethics of Being a Good Colleague’ by Michael J. Kuhar, Ph. D.

18387689When you are in the business of people, it is important to understand how to get the best out of them. Developing a team of talented individuals can determine the success or failure of your place of business and make your life much easier in all phases.

With so many books offering suggestions and ideas, the marketplace becomes confusing as to which guide carries the best advice. The Art and Ethics of being a Good Colleague by Michael J. Kuhar Ph. D. is another take on the age old issue of getting the best out of others. When reading the chapters you are brought to mind of the golden rule. There is a great deal of common sense advice and the insights are interesting.

With the author’s background in ethics it is with little surprise that much of how we should interact with others includes lessons on ethics and how they are a part and parcel of our own experiences. Realizing the importance of both friends and colleagues is the bottom line of defense, a building block of life both inside of work and out. With an endorsement from His Holiness, the XIVth Dalai Lama, it is difficult to refute the nature of building our intentions.

If you are looking for a good guideline just a bit different from the rest of the pack, you will find this work to fit the bill. Written more in a text book style you will find the ideas encouraging and the lessons engaging. You will also find that this work is for more than just those you work with but with anyone you interact with. Not only can you improve you own relationships, both personal and at work, but the impact of how you utilize the information can also go a long way to helping improve the lives of others.

This would be a great book for a discussion group. While some of the contents we have been heard before, there is more of the precision and tools that help to kindle the types of relationships you desire. This can create a very diverse discussion keeping the meeting lively and entertaining .


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About Leslie Wright

Leslie Wright is an author and blogger in the Northwest.

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