Wednesday , May 1 2024
Award-winning author, Val Silver talks about her book 'Rescue Me.'

Interview: Val Silver, Author of ‘Rescue Me’

Back in 2008 I adopted a dog from my local shelter.  Deniro has been the most wonderful dog for my youngest son.  The sad news is Deniro  was badly abused by his former owner and that is why he ended up at the shelter. It baffles me to no end as to why humans would go out of their way to abuse an animal.  Recently, I read Rescue Me  by Val Silver , and her book shed many lights on what to do to help abused animals.  Today, I am especially happy Val agreed to do an interview about her award winning book.  Rescue Me will make a great holiday gift for all animal lovers.

Can you tell me about yourself?

 I live with my husband and Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu mix, Teddy, in upstate New York, where I teach reading to primary schoolers. I enjoy taking walks, bicycling, and learning by reading and listening to speakers. I love doing research about topics I’m interested in – natural holistic healing, dogs and animal advocacy, personal evolution, things that stretch my mind and touch my heart. Sometimes I get the cooking bug, not often.

 What inspired you to become a writer?

 I’ve always loved reading and writing and was doing both by the time I was five. I remember writing two “books” when I was very young. Writing seems like the natural way for me to express myself because it gives me space to organize my thoughts.

For several years, I’ve been publishing articles on my websites and an on-line magazine. Writing a real book was always in the back of my mind, but the task seemed overwhelming. It wasn’t until I was looking at all those faces of homeless dogs on my computer screen, and realizing how big the need was, that I was inspired to write Rescue Me as a fundraiser for homeless dogs. That mission was bigger than my fear and the temptation to procrastinate.

How long did it take you to acquire the skills to become a writer?

 My skills as a writer have been developing over my lifetime and still are! Writing a self-published book with my stories and stories by other contributors has required me to develop editing skills, too. Being a teacher helped with that, but creating a book is taking those skills to another level.

How many books have you written?

 Not counting my childhood endeavors, one main book, Rescue Me. One of the stories from the book, “Biscuit the Do-Over Dog,” was rewritten and expanded with maps and extra photos for pre-teen readers. Rescue Me Seniors features the five senior Rescue Me stories with updates plus information on adopting and caring for senior dogs and how to help seniors in shelters and rescues.

Some writers go on long walks; others keep a journal, write at a café, or listen to music. What do you do for inspiration and unleashing your creativity?

 I seem to do my best “free-flow thinking” while walking and riding my bicycle. I keep telling myself to carry a recorder with me to record all the inspirational thoughts and words flowing through my head, but never seem to remember to do that.

What are you working on now?

 I plan to write a second Rescue Me book, this time with other types of animals and tips for readers, and another about what Sacred Writings teach about our relationship with, and responsibility towards animals and the earth. Both of those books are still in the research and very early writing stages.

  Where can readers find more information about you and your books?

 Readers are invited to visit Tap Infinity  to download a free guide to helping animals from the comforts of home. Information about Rescue Me, how our donations are being used, related articles, my media kit, and more are also available on the blog.

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About Nicole Weaver

Nicole Weaver is an award-winning author. Her first trilingual book Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle was published in 2009. Her love for languages and other cultures resulted in publishing the award-winning book, My Sister Is My Best Friend which was published in 2011 by Guardian Angel Publishing. My Sister Is My Best Friend has won the following awards: 2012 Creative Child Awards Program consisting of moms and educators has awarded this book the 2012 PREFERRED CHOICE AWARD Kids Picture Storybooks category. 2012 Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval 2012 Children's Literary Classics Gold Award Readers' Favorite 5 Star Review Her newest book , My Brother Is My Best Friend was also published by Guardian Angel Publishing, January 2014.

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