After the bizarre phone number foul-up on American Idol Tuesday night — where the numbers given to vote for Mikalah Gordon, Anwar Robinson, and Jessica Sierra were incorrect — last night we were treated to an utterly redundant “encore” presentation of Tuesday night’s performances, along with some additional “live” commentary from the judges and contestants.
“Still feel the same way Simon?”
“Even more so, Ryan. If I am being honest, I don’t want to be here.”
I paraphrase, but it was freaking shameless.
Tonight on the results show, I would like to see Ryan stand up in front of the contestants, judges, audience and nation at 9:55, and say, “All of you who were actually good Tuesday night, you’re safe. Mikalah Gordon, you have grown progressively worse with every performance and you’re going home. Good night.”
By the way, what exactly do you think Simon was trying to accomplish by telling Carrie Underwood that he thought she was going to win and “sell more records than any other Idol winner”? Does that include Clay, who didn’t win?