Friday , May 10 2024
That's right, the show is stealing pages from my life. My question is how did they find out about me?

30 Rock Steals My Life Story

Okay, 30 Rock is getting just plain scary now. I have no idea how they figured out about my life and decided to mock it and me, but they did, they have, and I'm getting really nervous. I'm more than a little afraid Tina Fey is going to knock on my door in the middle of the night and waterboard me until she gets more stories for Kenny.

Last night, as you may recall, the head page, Donny (Paul Scheer), threatened to send Kenny to CNBC, to exile him to Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey for losing his jacket. Well, upon completion of my year in the Page Program, where did I end up but exiled to CNBC in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey? (Not that I didn't have a great time working with lovely people in Englewood Cliffs — hi Brian and Rich!) And it was there, in Englewood Cliffs, that I worked with Paul Scheer. Do you see what I'm getting at? There is clearly some book about my time as a page hidden in one of the writers' offices at 30 Rock, and they're taking the stories of my life from it. I feel like Kramer when J. Peterman bought his tales – anything I say about my time as a page is going to get me sued for stealing from 30 Rock. It may be funny, but it's just not right.

What's also not right is Earl making a new list on a pillowcase because his old list was taken away from him. That storyline didn't sit well with me at all; there is just no reason that Earl's doing the right thing has to be tied to a list, I think it's fine if the show moves away from the list while our hero is in jail. This is especially true if the show focuses itself on Joy and Catalina. Their storyline from last night, Catalina blackmailing Joy for having an accident, was great. I may have liked to see Catalina do a little bit more with Joy's picture in order to torment the lady, but there was still enough back and forth and evil Joy (one of the show's perpetual highlights) to make last night worth tuning in for that plot alone.

And then there was Scrubs. The show was never a huge success ratings-wise, but has maintained a level of funny through its seven years on the air that I'm going to be very sad to see it go. The show has always managed to blend heart and humor in a way I think is admirable. Elliot last night going to see Keith while he was packing up his stuff from their apartment is a great example of this. Elliot is there, feeling terrible about what she's done, she really doesn't want to hurt Keith, but she believes that the two ought not get married. Elliot cracks a few jokes, and even does a riff on how the two of them like jokes that are "too soon," and throughout, Keith just stares at her, incredibly upset. When the camera is on Elliot, and she's telling her jokes, it's impossible not to laugh, the jokes may be outrageous and told at the wrong moment, but they're just so funny. When the camera is on Keith however you feel horrible for the guy. It's an incredibly hard balance to strike and one the show does very well.

It's kind of like Dwight creating a second Second Life on The Office. The guy is hurting because of his break-up with Angela, and the fact that he spends so much time in a virtual world is a really touching symbol of that. The Office producers take it all a step further though, having Dwight retreat even more into the computer non-game by creating a virtual world within the virtual world, his second Second Life. It's touching and sweet and sad and funny all at the same time.

Lastly for today, oh my goodness I just saw something awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. At least it looks like it will be. Below is a fantastic little widget that has the trailer for the seventh season of 24 on it. Check it out and get ready, it seems as though Jack Bauer is, once again, about to have the longest day of his life.

About Josh Lasser

Josh has deftly segued from a life of being pre-med to film school to television production to writing about the media in general. And by 'deftly' he means with agonizing second thoughts and the formation of an ulcer.

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