Wednesday , May 8 2024
The return of an action franchise, a Broadway hit, and another Marvel Comic character come to the big screen...

BC Movie Goodie Bag: Mamma Mia!, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Star Wars: Clone Wars, and Punisher: War Zone

Everybody loves movies, and we here at BC Film are leading the pack. Because we’re lucky enough to have publicists and studios sending us cool stuff all the time, we thought it would be nice to share them with the rest of you. So check back here every week as we’ll be bringing you trailers and a little bit of movie news to brighten your day and give you something to look forward to when you plan a trip to the local multiplex or update your Netflix queue.

Mamma Mia!

The hit stage show, featuring music by ABBA, arrives on the big screen July 18. The stellar cast includes Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard, and Julie Walters.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Brendan Fraser returns with another installment of this fun action franchise, this time joined by martial arts hero Jet Li. The film is scheduled for an August 1 release. Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious is at the helm.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The Clone Wars will be coming to the small screen in the form of an animated series, but before that happens, an animated feature length film will be released to theaters on August 15. Anthony Daniels and Samuel L. Jackson will return to voice their respective characters, C-3PO and Mace Windu. The action takes place in between Star Wars Episodes II and III.

Punisher: War Zone

Marvel Comics sends yet another hero — or in this case, anti-hero — to the big screen, this time in the form of vigilante Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, who wages a one-man war against organized crime. Directed by Lexi Alexander and starring Ray Stevenson, the film will hit the multiplexes on December 5.

About Lisa McKay

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