Tuesday , May 7 2024
Take Blogcritics' "The Walking Dead" poll: Who won't make it to the closing credits of the mid-season finale?

‘The Walking Dead’ Poll: Which Main Character Won’t Make It to the Mid-Season Finale?

Fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead have become accustomed to bidding farewell to cast members. Since season one, the showrunners have been unafraid to eliminate some of the fans’ favorite characters. They succumb to zombie bites, or get sick and “turn” before they are shot (or axed or knifed) in the head. Or they’re killed in mercy before they have a chance to turn into the dangerous “undead.”The Walking Dead

In the Walking Dead‘s first season, we saw the deaths (among the survivor group) of Jim (bitten), Andrea’s sister Amy (bitten), Carol’s abusive husband Ed (bitten), and Jacqui (killed in the explosion at the CDC). In season two, Carol’s daughter Sophia was among the zombified in Hershel’s barn; Dale–the group’s elder statesman was bitten and mercy-killed by Daryl, and Shane was murdered by Rick in a stunning move at season’s end.

In season three, T-Dog was killed by walkers, and Lori died giving birth by C-section, shot in the head before she turned by her young son Carl. Merle Dixon was murdered by The Governor in what can only be called a noble and redemptive death. Daryl later finds him, and angry and distraught over losing his only family, Daryl stabs him multiple times in the face. The Governor’s lackey Milton also finds his nobility in death, but not soon enough to save poor Andrea.

Last season, two polar opposites met their demise: The Governor beheads poor Hershel in a horrific act of brutality, and then The Governor has his just desserts. And although I would not consider them main cast, Mika and Lizzie die in one of the series saddest episodes (“The Grove”) Many, many of the prison survivors die in what was the bloodiest season of the series.


So far, this season, although a lot have died, including the dangerously charming Gareth (leader of the Terminus cannibals), none of the main cast (unless you count Bob) has yet bit the bullet or been bitten and zombified. It is therefore likely that (at least) one of our intrepid heroes will not make it to the second half of season two. Or, do you disagree?

Take the Blogcritics poll and predict who (if anyone) of The Walking Dead main cast will meet his or her end before the mid-season finale’s closing credits! The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights on AMC.

Note: My polling services sets a finite number of choices for the poll, hence, I did not include the following characters: Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Michonne, and Judith in the poll. If you wish to vote for one of them, please do it in the comments. I do not believe the show will kill off Rick or Daryl, and Michonne is also a hugely important character, so I don’t think it’s quite her time. I didn’t include Judith because I also don’t think it’s her time. So, please if you have a vote for one of the characters not listed in the poll, please add it to the comments and I’ll include in my final tally.

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About Barbara Barnett

A Jewish mother and (young 🙃) grandmother, Barbara Barnett is an author and professional Hazzan (Cantor). A member of the Conservative Movement's Cantors Assembly and the Jewish Renewal movement's clergy association OHALAH, the clergy association of the Jewish Renewal movement. In her other life, she is a critically acclaimed fantasy/science fiction author as well as the author of a non-fiction exploration of the TV series House, M.D. and contributor to the book Spiritual Pregnancy. She Publisher/Executive Editor of Blogcritics, (blogcritics.org).

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