Wednesday , May 1 2024

Music Review: Neurotix – ‘Loser’ Churns Out Visceral Grunge

Neurotix just released a new single, “Loser.” The song is the first single from the band’s forthcoming album.

According to the band, “This song means a lot to us. It was written when we were just starting out and was one of our first ‘favorites.’ We hadn’t played a show yet. We were just jamming in a garage drinking beer at that point, so it’s almost fate that it’s now going to be our first official release.”

Made up of Dominic Tonozzi (lead vocals, guitar), Paul Rhyne (lead guitar), Carlo Tamayo (bass, vocals), and Dave Reisig (drums, vocals), the Neurotix’s sound revolves around grunge. The band got together when Tonozzi decided to get back into music, in 2016.

“Loser” opens with a simple jamming riff, followed by the entry of rumbling drums. Then the bass and second guitar arrives, giving the tune a maniacal grungy flavor with tinges of punk rage underneath. Roiling with dirty, hazy energy from the guitars, the song accelerates into a wildly pulverizing wall of sound.

Unvarnished and visceral describes the production quality. This is raw, unpolished music recorded the way it was played, bereft of any sonic manipulation or electronic cleansing techniques. And that means there’s a crazy, reckless ferocity to Neurotix’s sound missing from most modern music, where each note is buffed and polished by the infinite pliability of digital machines. This lack of hi-rez means Neurotix’s music isn’t pretty. Instead, it’s powerful, nastily reduced to nothing more than the bare bones.

Tonozzi’s voice exudes vulnerability, slurred delivery, emotional angst, and an almost whiny timbre – in other words, all the attributes necessary to be the lead vocalist in a grunge band.

I had the opportunity to listen to the full album, which contains 14 tracks. Tracks that stood out were “Service Me,” “Girl on the Street,” and “Drives Me Crazy.” As a whole, it’s a strong album, especially if you’re into grunge.

I liked “Loser.” Neurotix’s sound packs a potent, atavistic punch. When the album drops, you should at least check it out. And definitely give “Loser” a listen.

Follow Neurotix on, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

About Randall Radic

Left Coast author and writer. Author of numerous true crime books written under the pen-name of John Lee Brook. Former music contributor at Huff Post.

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