Friday , May 10 2024
‘Meaningless Words’ would make both for great background music or a centrepiece of a musical appreciation night.

Music Review: Lozk – ‘Meaningless Words’

Lozk Meaningless WordsBogotá, Colombia-based electronic artist Leonardo Suárez Jiménez has put together an audiovisual project called Lozk, under which he will be releasing early next month a project titled Meaningless Words. Words are in fact so meaningless in this project that they are non-existent; this electronica, post-industrial, world-inspired, and folk-tinged experiment features only syllables, with the thought that lyrics don’t influence the music. Rather, it’s the music that speaks.

It is very difficult to pin down a more specific genre or style to the music. For the most part, a slight throb, an mid- to up-beat tempo, and a certain joy seem to characterize all the tracks on this record. It might sound like a psychedelic experience; however, the journey from beginning to end of each number, as well as from beginning to end of the album, might be convoluted but at the same time remains very clear-cut

From mellow melodies to throbbing beats, from western style rock to eastern sounds, Meaningless Words goes all over the place. The driving beats and repetition make most of its parts something to sink into or to ignore as background noise. The trance-like “Amusaca” can sweep listeners into a relaxed state of joyful contentment, while the touches of eastern sounds in the fast-paced “Han Sow” encourage one’s mind to wander to those parts of the world. “Yamaramá” is almost rock-like in its intensity while “Chiaro” is contradictory, what with the throbbing menace of the bass-heavy melody facing off with tinkling notes.

An album that would either make for great background music at a get-together or be the centrepiece of a musical appreciation night, Meaningless Words will probably capture a lot of attention, with the potential of generating, perhaps ironically enough, a breadth of meaningful conversations. Tracks are available for streaming on SoundCloud. More information is available on Facebook and his official website.

Pictures provided by Independent Music Promotions.

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