On Wednesday’s General Hospital:
Carly sure has a way of making things all about her. She showed up at the jail to talk to Jason, who was waiting for yet another bail hearing, to go on and on about her one-month-old doomed marriage to Jax. Of course, Jason was able to set his personal problems aside to tell her she doesn’t need him to know what the right thing to do is. Jason was granted bail and arrived at home to direct Spinelli in the search for his son, confiding Sam and Amelia are his top two suspects.
Alexis stopped by to warn Sam about Amelia and get her daughter’s take on her illicit past. Sam spilled it all, confirming Amelia’s story and making no apologies to Alexis for doing what she felt she had to at the time to take care of her and Danny. The whole ordeal awoke guilt in Alexis for ever giving her up in the first place, but Sam stood up and took responsibility for the choices she made. Determined to hold on to everything she had left in life, she went toe to toe with Amelia telling the woman she believed was her friend to think twice before messing with her.
Lulu went to Shadybrook, this time to visit her step-mother instead of her mom. She offered the woman her support and help, even though she witnessed her still talking to “Alan’s Ghost.” While meeting with a PI for her, Lulu had a heart-to-heart with Logan. Though he would say it was another step in his master plan to seduce the girl, it’s more than obvious this unlikely pair is being drawn to each other. Back at Shadybrook, while going over the file on Scott Baldwin Lulu and Tracy learned he has a son.
Maxie and Logan got together to discuss their deal. She surprised Logan when she insisted she would need proof Logan had bedded Lulu before she would hold up her end of the bargain. “What proof, like you want to watch?” Logan teased. Bingo! Wow, Maxie, an all new low.
At episode’s end, Amelia phoned Maureen, the Everyday Heroes guest who had lost her infant daughter in a fire to inform her she needed some releases signed. To her shock, the woman said she no longer wanted to be featured on the show, but even more surprising was the sound of an infant crying in the background.
Warning! News and Spoilers Ahead!
- Don’t forget to watch ABC Friday during The View‘s timeslot for a sneak peak at ABC soaps sizzling story lines, included will be a first look at the Soapnet original series and GH spinoff, Nightshift.