Tuesday , May 7 2024
With money stolen from his mother's purse, Michael buys bullets for his gun.

Making the Rounds at General Hospital – Babies and Bullets

After stealing money from his mother's purse, Michael made his way to the docks and bought bullets for his gun. Mike showed up and confronted his grandson. After searching his pockets, probably suspecting drugs, he found the bullets and made him throw them in the river before trying to call Sonny. On the sly, Michael was able to palm one bullet, unbeknownst to his grandfather. That one bullet is all that's needed for disaster. See below for the latest spoiler information on Mike and his gun. I'm still as nervous as ever about the ground the writers are treading on with this story, but am a bit encouraged by the latest rumors.

As Claudia made herself comfortable behind the big desk, Trevor felt his control slipping away and tried to bully her, telling her she was getting in over her head. I think she's been around the block a time a two while away because she's not letting herself be intimidated by the attorney and was eager to have her meeting with the "five families." While waiting for her big show, she met Carly at the Metro Court restaurant and instantly bonded over their passion for shoes and dislike for Kate Howard. A wink and a nod to long time viewers, it was funny to see the actress who used to play Carly in a scene with Laura Wright. I'm sure Carly's tune is going to change, however when she finds out that Claudia has been in Sonny's bed.

While visiting Sam, Maxie told her friend she was trying to clear Cooper's name as the TMK. Against Lucky's advice, Sam confided that she had been attacked and she too believes Cooper is innocent. In the meantime, Liz confessed to Jason she very well might have hit Sam when she fell asleep at the wheel. Needing to prove her innocence, Jason ordered Spinelli to find out about other black or dark blue cars that were having repair work done or had filed accident reports. The result that Nikolas, Monica and Carly had all had bad luck with their cars in the same area of town surprised Jason.

It's been apparent this past week that Epiphany has been under the weather. In an interesting turn of events, Cassius (the orderly who gets under her skin) confronted Spinelli, telling him to either seriously look for answers to Stan's accident or move aside and let him. I have a feeling deep down there's a stronger connection between these two than they've seen so far.

Spoilers and News:

With the writer's strike apparently coming to end this weekend, we will soon see the return of Guza to his job as head writer. It is yet unclear how many current storylines will be twisted or dropped, but I'm guessing it will be more confusing going forward than it was when Wolf stepped into Guza's shoes. The good news is maybe we'll finally find out who the TMK is.

In a story sponsored by V8 Fusion to highlight the prevalence of heart disease in woman, Epiphany will suffer a heart attack. Will she be as good a patient as she is a nurse? I'm guessing not, but do look for the character to follow doctor's orders and attempt to get healthy.

The latest word on Mike and his gun is that it will be mini-mob man behind the trigger and the victim will be Kate. I'm guessing it will serve as a catalyst to bring Sonny and Kate together and am happy it won't be Morgan pulling the trigger or on the receiving end of the bullet. I'm also very relieved to hear it won't be Carly or the baby she's carrying injured in the incident.

When Carly and Robin discover each other is pregnant, will Robin feel karma come back to haunt her? If Carly happens on to the fact that Patrick is the baby's daddy, she will surely have to enlighten the man.

About Connie Phillips

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