Friday , May 3 2024
"Developing skill as a writer is a never-ending process of refinement."

Interview: Praying Medic, Author of ‘Divine Healing Made Simple’

Praying Medic is a paramedic and author living in PhoenixArizona. Since 2009, he has written about the miracles God has done through his practice as a paramedic. This former atheist has become a spiritual mentor and life coach to people dissatisfied with the normal Christian life. His books and articles are intended to inspire, challenge and provoke readers into a deeper and more exciting relationship with God. 

"I tend to draw a lot of support from people who have been marginalized by the church."
“I tend to draw a lot of support from people who have been marginalized by the church.”

Congratulations on the release of your latest book, Divine Healing Made Simple. When did you start writing and what got you into Theology?

I had a really strange introduction to the supernatural life. On the night of August 8th 2008 I had my first dream in 25 years. In that dream, God appeared to me and said, “I want you to pray with your patients. I’ll show you what is wrong with them and when you pray I will heal them.” I actually didn’t believe in healing at the time, but I reluctantly began praying for some of my patients. Since then I’ve had hundreds of dreams about healing. In some of the dreams – God gave me keys to how healing works. I’ve been praying for my patients regularly and I’ve seen hundreds of them healed. I’ve also seen nurses, doctors and other paramedics healed. I began writing articles about healing and the response to the articles was so positive, I decided to write a book.

Did you have any struggles or difficulties when you started writing? 

When I began writing, I was absolutely terrible at telling my stories. I actually had no desire to be an author. I simply wanted to share the supernatural things I saw happening in my ambulance with anyone who might be interested. As I wrote more stories, I realized that I needed to improve my writing skills so I focused on writing more descriptively. Developing skill as a writer is a never-ending process of refinement. The other problem I had was that almost no one knew about my writing. Connecting by blog to Facebook gave me exposure to a much wider audience. 

Who is your target audience? 

I tend to draw a lot of support from people who have been marginalized by the church. Those who have suffered abuse from spiritual leaders usually find my perspective refreshing. People who are seeking the power of God without the trappings of religion also gravitate toward my writing. 

What do you hope readers will get from your book? 

I chose the words ‘divine healing made simple’ for the title because simplicity is the thing that makes my book different from other books on healing. My goal is to take the mystery out of healing and make things as simple as possible. My reason for writing the book is to train average people to heal the sick. The main message is that anyone can operate in supernatural healing, regardless of their education, social status, or spiritual background and that healing can be done in virtually any type of setting. 

Do you have a writing schedule? Are you disciplined? 

I try to write every day, but with a full-time job, it can be hard to remain consistent. Having said that, I average about 25 hours a week of writing time; mostly on my days off work. The greatest thing that has helped me write consistently is having a personal blog. 

What do you love most about the writer’s life?

Because most of what I write is aimed at helping people develop their spiritual gifts – I get a lot of positive feedback from readers who try my suggestions and find that they work. When someone is set free of some kind of bondage or illness because of something I wrote – it’s immensely gratifying to me. 

Do you have a website or blog where readers can find out more about your work? 

If you’re interested in connecting with me or reading my articles, you can reach me through my personal blog: 

Where is your book available? 

My book is available through Amazon in paperback and Kindle and through Barnes & Noble (paperback only.) 

What is your advice for aspiring authors? 

My advice to an aspiring author is to start a personal blog. If you’re new to writing, developing a regular habit of writing can be a difficult process. If you’re a veteran writer – the problem is usually marketing what you write. Writing regularly on a personal blog solves both of these problems.

Most people who want to write books never write them because they never develop a regular habit of writing. Blogging can give you the motivation you need to write regularly. Blogging also puts your writing in front of an audience that can give you feedback. All writers need to hone their writing skills. A good way to go through the process of becoming a better writer is to let readers tell you what they like and don’t like about your material. If you respond to criticism by changing (and improving) your writing style, you will become a better writer.

When you post messages on a blog you’re creating an audience of readers who will likely buy your book once it is written. If they like your blog posts – chances are they’ll like your books. You do the writing and let search engines bring interested people to your blog. After you’ve written a certain number of messages, you may find that they can easily be converted to the chapters of your first book. A personal blog can be the marketing tool you need to get your books in the hands of a larger audience.

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About Mayra Calvani

Mayra Calvani writes fiction and nonfiction for children and adults and has authored over a dozen books, some of which have won awards. Her stories, reviews, interviews and articles have appeared on numerous publications such as The Writer, Writer’s Journal, Multicultural Review, and Bloomsbury Review, among many others. Represented by Serendipity Literary.

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