Friday , May 10 2024
An abused dog gets help from his forest friends so he can escape.

Book Review: A New Name for Worthless: A Hero is Born by Rocky Shepheard

Based on a real dog, A New Name for Worthless: A Hero is Born is written and illustrated by Rocky Shepheard.

The story is about a dog named Worthless who is chained up. His owner gave the dog the name because he failed to stop a thief from breaking into the house.
Sad and lonely Worthless makes friends with a couple of forest animals which eventually free and help him escape the bondage of being chained up.

This delightful story should be read in every household because it teaches many valuable lessons about compassion and hope.

Young and old can learn to value animals. Young and old can also learn that all life is precious, and we should refrain from mistreating others.

Another valuable lesson one can learn is hope. Worthless could have given up, but he never gave up hope, and I believe that is how an open door became available for his forest friends to help him escape.

The most important lesson to be learned is compassion. Even though Worthless was badly treated by a human, but he did not let that experience stop him from helping a human in need. This to me shows the true character of a person. Betterment for someone having treated you badly is not found in doing the same to someone else.

Lastly, I love this well written and illustrated story because it reminds me of my own dog. My husband and I adopted a dog from our local no kill shelter. The poor dog was badly abused by his former owners. Now, Deniro is a happy dog because we go out of our way to give him a lot of attention and love.

About Nicole Weaver

Nicole Weaver is an award-winning author. Her first trilingual book Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle was published in 2009. Her love for languages and other cultures resulted in publishing the award-winning book, My Sister Is My Best Friend which was published in 2011 by Guardian Angel Publishing. My Sister Is My Best Friend has won the following awards: 2012 Creative Child Awards Program consisting of moms and educators has awarded this book the 2012 PREFERRED CHOICE AWARD Kids Picture Storybooks category. 2012 Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval 2012 Children's Literary Classics Gold Award Readers' Favorite 5 Star Review Her newest book , My Brother Is My Best Friend was also published by Guardian Angel Publishing, January 2014.

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