Friday , May 10 2024
Every second given to coverage of the "birther issue" would be more wisely spent addressing global hunger.

Birther Drama a Distraction from Real Issues Like Global Hunger

If you turn on the news today or go online, what do you see? Unfortunately, tons of stories about President Obama’s birth certificate. This will go on all day and even further.

It’s a soap opera that has dragged on for weeks because some people, with too much time on their hands, are challenging the authenticity of the President’s birth certificate.

It also shows how out of touch the media can be. Why is this story getting any press coverage at all? It’s a huge distraction from all the urgent issues we need to face at home and abroad.

I can name one issue that does not get nearly enough attention: hunger and malnutrition. Every second that was given to coverage of the “birther issue” would have been much more wisely spent addressing hunger issues both in the U.S and overseas.

There are nearly one billion people worldwide suffering from hunger. High food prices are raising that number by the minute. Is anyone going to wake up and notice that children are dying because of malnutrition in Afghanistan, Sudan, Chad, Yemen, and other countries?

If the children manage to survive malnutrition, they are stunted in growth and mind. Has anyone noticed that simple school feeding programs in many developing countries are underfunded? Many children go without these meals that are potential bridges to their future.

We know from our experiences in World War II that school feeding makes a huge difference. We learned that child feeding is essential to peace and development, and that message was broadcast over the airwaves and into people’s homes.

Fast forward to today. America’s thoughts, time, and media are homed in on a trivial matter like the birther issue. If not that, sometimes it’s a feud even between members of the media. Now that is unbelievable. Click the remote to OFF.

Maybe something good will come of this birther issue. Maybe it will shine a light on what should not get the spotlight in our society. Maybe Americans will get fed up and deliver a simple message to high-profile figures and the media who perpetuate meaningless waste-of-time stories: Don’t let it happen again.

About William Lambers

William Lambers is the author of several books including Ending World Hunger: School Lunches for Kids Around the World. This book features over 50 interviews with officials from the UN World Food Programme and other charities discussing school feeding programs that fight child hunger. He is also the author of Nuclear Weapons, The Road to Peace: From the Disarming of the Great Lakes to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Open Skies for Peace, The Spirit of the Marshall Plan: Taking Action Against World Hunger, School Lunches for Kids Around the World, The Roadmap to End Global Hunger, From War to Peace and the Battle of Britain. He is also a writer for the History News Service. His articles have been published by newspapers including the Cincinnati Enquirer, Des Moines Register, the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Buffalo News, San Diego Union Tribune, the Providence Journal, Free Lance-Star (VA), the Bakersfield Californian, the Washington Post, Miami Herald (FL), Chicago Sun-Times, the Patriot Ledger (MA), Charleston Sunday Gazette Mail (WV), the Cincinnati Post, Salt Lake Tribune (UT), North Adams Transcript (MA), Wichita Eagle (KS), Monterey Herald (CA), Athens Banner-Herald (GA) and the Duluth News Journal. His articles also appear on History News Network (HNN) and Think Africa Press. Mr. Lambers is a graduate of the College of Mount St. Joseph in Ohio with degrees in Liberal Arts (BA) and Organizational Leadership (MS). He is also a member of the Feeding America Blogger Council.

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