Friday , May 10 2024
Franco prepares for his big endgame, while little Aiden enters the world.

Making the Rounds at General Hospital: A Baby is Born; Many Still in Danger

On today’s General Hospital, Carly still wrestles with her feelings for Jax, Kristina and Sonny come to an understanding, Franco prepares for his big endgame, little Aiden enters the world, and Dante and Claire get Jason released once again.

Carly and Jax returned from sailing. Both in good spirits, they made plans to spend the evening together and then Skye showed up claiming to need Jax’s help. Jax told both women he’d help Skye later, but Carly insisted he take care of the situation and fled the hotel. Later, Jax caught up with Carly on the docks and she admitted to wanting to reconcile, but also said she wasn’t sure she could forget the past.

I’m glad to see these two trying to work it out. Way back when, I had a hard time getting on board with them, but they really do bring out the best in each other. Logically, though, I know any attempts will be tempered when Brenda comes back on the canvas in a few weeks.

At the country club, Sonny stood up to Warren and accused him of teaching Keifer to be an abuser. When Warren seemed to flinch, Sonny pushed forward speaking of the cycle of abuse and saying he felt sorry for Keifer now, because he knew what it was like to be abused. Of course, Sonny did push it too far and whispered in the other man’s ear that it “was about time for him to have an accident.” Later, Kristina asked if he meant what he said about feeling sorry for Keifer, and Sonny said he did. He added that if Keifer was still alive, he would have made sure he got help.

Father and daughter bonded, just a bit. I am interested to see how long this step forward lasts, before Sonny blows it and sends Kristina running from him in horror again. I’m over Warren Bauer and his anger and grief, however. The story lost its continuity when we were led to believe it was over weeks ago.

We saw bits of pieces of Franco preparing for his big “art premier” watching and cutting video of his previous conversations with Jason. He’s also previewed that the big glass cage is part of the performance art.

All very good. All very creepy. Especially when Franco appeared to be really enjoying himself while watching Jason debate with him.

Liz delivered a bouncing, baby boy that her and Nikolas decided to name Aiden (despite the fact Jake, Cameron, and Spencer all voted for Buzz Light Year). Shirley spent some time visiting with the happy couple and baby, while Lucky looked on longingly – until he was busted by Maxie. Lucky’s first defensive reaction was cruel, but he later went to Maxie’s to apologize. Both agreed they weren’t in the right place to be any more than friends.

It’s sort of painful watching Nikolas bonding with this baby and giving it a family name, when we all know it’s his grandmother’s ruse. The truth will come out; it always does. And Nikolas will be left out in the cold. No matter how Lucky protests, when he finds out that baby is his, Liz and he will be on the mend.

Claire went to see Jason and eventually had him released again. In the meantime, Dante packed for L.A. and toward the end of the show, both men were on a plane heading to the west coast.

Will they both come back alive?

This Week on GH:


About Connie Phillips

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