Friday , May 10 2024
Fox's "Wayward Pines" is a fun, exciting, suspenseful, compelling psychological thriller with a twist, that will keep you at the edge of your seats!

M. Night Shyalaman’s ‘Wayward Pines’ Is Must See

Ever since Cole (Haley Joel Osment) said, “I see dead people,” and I was blown away by the incredible macabre moment nowaywardne of us saw coming in The Sixth Sense, I’ve been enthralled with anything M. Night Shyamalan puts his stamp on! Of course, being a huge fan of the genre, I follow psychological thriller-supernatural movies, television shows, and online serials with a passion. Does this make me a little morbid? Possibly. But no one can deny the way Shyamalan can draw in an audience, keep them guessing, and then literally twist the knife in a little deeper until you are screaming! This is definitely the case with the highly anticipated FOX series Wayward Pines, premiering Thursday, May 14 at 9 p.m.

Should you be scared? All I can say is that the pilot episode left me confused, psychologically scarred (in a good way), and wanting more! Executive Produced by Shyamalan, who wrote and directed the pilot episode, the first 15 minutes will leave you twisting in the wind like a paper doll! It takes you on a roller-coaster ride, leaving your mouth gaping open like only Night can make you do!

wayward11The series stars Matt Dillon, whom you may recall from countless movies, television shows, and most recently the movie Bad Country. He plays Secret Service Agent Ethan Burke, who’s married with a son, and out on assignment with his partner, searching for another missing agent. Fast forward to a supposed car crash where he ends up in a hospital, in Wayward Pines, Idaho. If the overly sterile environment or creepy smiling nurse wasn’t the first clue something was wrong, the fact there are no phones and no one else is around, might be! All I kept saying is what the HELL is going on here? I was as confused as poor Ethan!

I don’t want to spoil it for you, so I won’t tell you what ensues after this scene, but I will tell you it was really nice seeing Secrets and Lies’ Juliette Lewis (Beverly) and Empire‘s Terrence Howard as the ice cream eating, nonchalant Sheriff Pope. Both serve as the people who can potentially enlighten Ethan as to exactly what’s going on, Wayward-Pines_128however question is will they?

The look and feel of the series hearkens back to The X-Files (new episodes premiere Jan. 24, 2016) and Twin Peaks, delivering just as much mystery, suspense and intrigue as any mythology-driven show past or present. With its gloomy, dark backdrop, WayWard Pines, Idaho is not a place where I want to get caught!

As the series progresses, it is revealed that there is a much bigger threat beyond the town that will blow your mind, which Shyamalan cleverly always seems to do. He has a knack for reeling in the audience and then wowing them! Wayward Pines does just this and will leave you conjuring all kinds of theories as to what this town is, who’s in charge and where Ethan fits into the mix. What we’ll learn sneaks up on you and having seen the first five episodes, I’m anxious for number six!

With 10 episodes, this is definitely the series to get caught up in this summer. It’s a fun, exciting, suspenseful, compelling psychological thriller with a twist, that will keep you at the edge of your seats! So buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life!

Be sure to follow on twitter @WaywardPinesFOX and don’t miss an episode of Wayward Pines, Thursdays at 9 p.m. on FOX!

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About Chrissy Piccolo

Chrissy Piccolo the founder of RHeart Network, the Fan's Voice, the #1 Fan Connection Destination, supporting daytime, prime-time and online scripted digital content. Currently the host of RHeart Radio, the Fan's Voice, as well as Storytellers On The Net, and Sleepy Hollow Addicts on Blogtalk radio. In addition to writing for Blogcritics, she is also an author on Web Series Today and currently co-hosts with Barbara Barnett and Jerome Wetzel on 'Let's Talk TV' on Blogtalk. She is also working on adapting her her first novel in The Kirsten Kelly Chronicles series into a webseries. Passionate about keeping scripted content alive, she continues to be an advocate for all forms. When she’s not working managing several websites or writing, one of her hobbies is investigating the paranormal with other enthusiasts and searching out possible cases through historic sites in the Northwest. Chrissy believes in being a positive influence in such a vast medium as the Internet.

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