Sunday , May 5 2024
First Lady Michelle Obama helps with childhood obesity.

I Applaud Michelle Obama for Launching the Child Obesity Task Force

It is unreal to think that 25 million young people are obese or overweight. I am so very impressed with First Lady Michelle Obama for launching a special task force to tackle this major epidemic.

As a middle and high school teacher I would often cringe just looking at the unhealthy foods that are served in our school cafeterias. In my opinion it is certainly a very good idea to encourage school districts across the United States to make a concerted effort to serve more nutritious foods to the student body.

I also believe schools should not be allowed to have soda and snack machines. Too much sugar consumption wreaks havoc on one’s immune system. After eating too many sugary foods one‘s insulin level goes off the chart which causes one’s system to process the excess sugar as fat. Soda and snack machines should be replaced with healthy snacks such as nuts, snacks made out of whole grains and oats, and unsweetened dried fruits.

It is of the utmost importance that parents play a major role in fighting childhood obesity. All children should be closely monitored at home. Parents should be role models for their children. Pantries should be filled with wholesome snacks, fruit juices and other non-sugar-laden foods. The family dinner should consist of freshly made foods, not canned or fast foods that are devoid of nutritional value.

During my junior year of college I studied abroad for a semester. I lived with a French family in Strasbourg, France. All of the meals very freshly made; my French mom made daily trips to specialty stores to purchase the freshest ingredients. Even the lunches that were served at the university’s cafeteria were always very fresh. I believe it would serve us well for America to follow the European way of eating.

Lastly, I am convinced that if parents, schools, and the government work together, we can come up with a plausible solution to decreasing the number of obese and overweight children in the United States. I have so much respect for First Lady Michelle Obama for having enough courage to launch such an important initiative. Responsible citizens from all walks of life should follow suit and join the First Lady to make this endeavor a reality.

About Nicole Weaver

Nicole Weaver is an award-winning author. Her first trilingual book Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle was published in 2009. Her love for languages and other cultures resulted in publishing the award-winning book, My Sister Is My Best Friend which was published in 2011 by Guardian Angel Publishing. My Sister Is My Best Friend has won the following awards: 2012 Creative Child Awards Program consisting of moms and educators has awarded this book the 2012 PREFERRED CHOICE AWARD Kids Picture Storybooks category. 2012 Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval 2012 Children's Literary Classics Gold Award Readers' Favorite 5 Star Review Her newest book , My Brother Is My Best Friend was also published by Guardian Angel Publishing, January 2014.

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