Friday , May 3 2024
Gather the family 'round for a game that'll keep everyone on their toes.

Card Game Review: ‘Holiday Fluxx’ from Looney Labs

Looney Labs launches Holiday Fluxx this December as the latest in its strong line of ever-changing card games. Tis the season for get-togethers for families and offices, and it often becomes a question of what to do or what stocking-stuffer or White Elephant gift to get. A delightful card game like Holiday Fluxx solves both.

holidayfluxxThe rules for Holiday Fluxx are the same as any Fluxx: on a player’s turn, draw one card and play one card. As people lay down their cards, new rules appear, changing the dynamics of the game. Eventually a Goal is played, and the player whose Keepers match that goal is the winner! They have to be quick since Goals can change out in the blink of an eye, and players’ best-laid plans may melt away like Frosty in June. With so much spontaneity, it makes for a great family game where everyone will constantly be bursting into groans and laughter.

From Pirate Fluxx to Oz Fluxx, there are plenty of Fluxxes for fans to play. Each version has a little different flavor. Cthulhu Fluxx had its spooky Creepers that blocked wins, and Star Fluxx was fast-paced with clever ways to build powers. Holiday Fluxx is more than just the same game with different images slapped on; it has been crafted to give a fun balance particularly suited to the holidays. There are no Creepers to slow down play. Instead, the deck is chock-full of Action cards like “Today’s Special” for bonus plays or “Gift Give-Away” where players give their Keepers to one another. Rule Cards such as “Open a Gift!” for a free draw and play or “Regifting” Keepers make such crazy fun happen every round with the proper Keepers out. A few Surprise cards can shake up the table, perhaps even keeping Uncle Joe from winning, much to his chagrin and the laughter of everyone.

The fun of family and friends is really what Fluxx is all about, and the rich theme of Holiday Fluxx will especially put people in the holiday spirit. Keepers such as the bland “Pine Tree” or simple “Bread” come alive when paired with others like “Lights” and “The Roast” to make festive Goals of “Trim the Tree” and, everyone’s favorite, “Leftover Sandwiches.” Christmas has Santa and Stockings, and Hanukah and Kwanza come into play too with Dreidels and Candles, giving something for everyone this time of year. A few nearby holidays are sneaked in with Jack-o-Lanterns from Pumpkins and Candles and New Year’s with a calendar and Bubbly Beverages.

Holiday Fluxx is a card game for two to five players (although it is not difficult to squeeze in one or two more) aged eight and up. Since the winning conditions of having the right Keepers for the right Goal are constantly shifting, games could be as short as five minutes or even as long as half an hour. Each round is surprising, making Holiday Fluxx a great way to spend time at a get-together or just hang out in front of the roaring fire and wait for the sounds of reindeer.

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About Jeff Provine

Jeff Provine is a Composition professor, novelist, cartoonist, and traveler of three continents. His latest book is a collection of local ghost legends, Campus Ghosts of Norman, Oklahoma.

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