Thursday , May 2 2024
This is a work of mystery and romance, of truth and trust, one that evolves and moves in waves of feelings.

Book Review: ‘The Kindness,’ A Romantic Novel by Polly Samson

22929661Author, Polly Samson, has given us a romance in real terms, one that follows the course of the most basic human characteristics. The Kindness takes us into a romance of passion and need, one that ends one relationship but begins anew in a whole new exciting desire and obsession.

Julian cannot take his eyes off Julia; his brief glimpse of her flying a hawk has captured his imagination and passion. Searching to find her, he is lost as he realizes he may never see her again. Chance brings them back into contact, and it is here that she too realizes the connection. Living an unhappy life, she is ready for more, and Julian is just the one she feels she has been looking for.

Together in London, their happiness only grows with the advent of a daughter, Mira. She completes the circle of love in a way that seems unbreakable.

When Julian has the chance to buy his remote boyhood home, he decides that all they need now is paradise, and he aims to please. His own blindness in the feelings of those around him only makes things more difficult. When Mira becomes ill, he finally learns the truth, a secret that changes everything.

Samson has given us ‘true to life’ characters with feelings. She creates the personalities in such a way that it is difficult to dislike them, creating your own ideas of what is truly going on. She has given us a haunting story of pleasure, disappointment, and family, one that immerses you into their journey. She sprinkles it with grief and betrayal and in her masterful style she delivers a reconciliation of sorts.

This is a work of mystery and romance, of truth and trust, one that evolves and moves in waves of feelings. You think you understand and yet she plots the story so well that you are taken aback at the final reveal. If you are looking for that special book for your library this is the one.

The Kindness by Polly Samson would be a great book for a reading or book club. The depth and creative flaws of the characters will create a strong dialogue.

[amazon asin=B00VVCWCO8&template=iframe image]

About Leslie Wright

Leslie Wright is an author and blogger in the Northwest.

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