Sunday , May 5 2024
In a secret game of murder only the maker of the game wins.

Book Review: ‘Russian Hill’ by Ty Hutchinson

18753732The internet offers opportunities to many, both good and bad. Hidden within encrypted and locked rooms there is also a dark side, a place where stalkers dwell, hidden cavities of entertainment not meant for many. This opening of darkness draws a myriad of viewers as well as participants.

In Russian Hill by Ty Hutchinson, Abby Kane is on the case of some seemingly random murders. Gruesome and stylized, there seem to be random acts of posing of the victims as well. No stranger to the dark side of humanity, FBI Agent and full time mom, Abby has decided that a dead hiker may have more to add to the strange killing spree. The further Abby searches the more her theory seems absurd, yet she knows she is on to something. But what?

The more she digs the stranger the evidence, but can she find the answers to keep the killing spree from moving forward and out of their line of sight? Only the perpetrators know where the next kill will happen, but will Abby lose her quarry as well as her case? Can she convince her team of the rightness of her theories before the killers escape and change venues?

Hutchinson has brought us back a tougher character in Abby, one who thinks more and delves further before putting herself forward. Taking more care in her job, coming to terms with motherhood and having a family that cares has given her more depth, but has not lessened her bravado. He has given her an imaginative mind that goes in directions other don’t appear to see, and she is back in our graces with a vengeance.

His version of the murders being played out is very deep and creepy. His murderers are both fascinating and yet appalling in their random sociopathic tendencies.

If you enjoy mystery and suspense, and enjoy a witty and gutsy protagonist you will find this book on the Abby Kane series fun and exciting. Yet there is that element of danger and evil that twists throughout creating at times, a tenseness that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Each work is a great story and can be read either alone or with the series. You will find yourself intrigued by the unique thought processes and background of such a humorous and gritty FBI agent.

About Leslie Wright

Leslie Wright is an author and blogger in the Northwest.

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