Friday , May 10 2024
Fans of the duo's mega-popular 'Ellen' appearances will be thrilled with this feature-length musical comedy.

Blu-ray Review: ‘Sophia Grace & Rosie’s Royal Adventure’

Who could’ve predicted that 11-year-old Sophia Grace Brownlee and her eight-year-old cousin Rosie McClelland would be starring in a feature film back when they debuted on The Ellen DeGeneres Show two years ago? Discovered via a homemade YouTube video (in which the duo performed Nicki Minaj’s “Super Bass”), the girls began appearing on Ellen regularly. Their popularity has culminated in Sophia Grace & Rosie’s Royal Adventure, releasing on Blu-ray and DVD May 20, 2014. The 79-minute feature is a snappily-edited, pop tune-inflected comedy that’s sure to be a hit with the girls’ many fans.

Sophia Grace and Rosie coverRoyal Adventure begins with Sophia Grace and Rosie being sent by Ellen to Switzelvania to cover the coronation of a new queen (no cameo by DeGeneres herself, just the use of her brand). They’re accompanied by an uptight chaperone, Phyllis Bundt (Amy Louise Wilson), who they’re promptly separated from after landing in the foreign country. While Phyllis tries to track down “Not Phyllis” (Alex McGregor), the woman who has stolen her identity, the girls meet the three princesses vying for the crown. Princesses Imogen (Anna Skellern) and Cordelia (Emma Pierson) are superficial snobs. Their younger sister Abigail (Margaret Clunie), immersed in constant cosplay as DC Comics’ Artemis, has no interest in the coronation.

While “Not Phyllis” fills in as an Ellen correspondent (why the show’s staffers back in the U.S. don’t recognize her as an imposter remains an unsolved mystery), Sophia Grace and Rosie enact a Princess Diaries variation with Abigail. The older princesses have no use for Sophia Grace or Rosie, but Abigail instantly bonds with them. Together, the tykes inspire her to seek the crown and help to refine her behavior. Rosie even enlists the assistance of a magical ceramic duck that grants wishes.

Sophia_Grace_and_Rosie_2_50While there’s not much here for older viewers, director Brian Levant (Snow Dogs, Are We There Yet?) keeps things moving along at a good clip, allowing it all to pass painlessly. The production values are quite strong and the cast is game. Especially considering this is their acting debut, young Brownlee and McClelland do a very good job of capturing their natural personas as seen on Ellen.

The Blu-ray offers a flawless high definition image, every bit as sharp and colorful as one would expect. Bold pinks and primary colors play a big part in Royal Adventure’s overall art direction and they’re vividly rendered. The DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack is efficient as well, coming to life during the film’s several musical sequences. It’s pretty heavily front-centric, but Eugene Mishustin’s jaunty score expands out to the surround channels.

Sophia_Grace_and_Rosie_1_50Special features include a very brief featurette “The Story of Pink,” a montage of highlights from the girls’ appearances on Ellen, four minutes of bloopers, and five music videos that offer recording studio footage and on-screen lyrics. The package also includes a standard DVD and UltraViolet digital copy.

Sophia Grace & Rosie’s Royal Adventure is a harmless family film that will delight fans. And anyone wondering whether the quieter Rosie (who leaves the singing and rapping to Sophia Grace during their Ellen appearances) gets as many lines as her louder cousin, the answer is yes. This is no Penn & Teller act; the girls are given equal screen time as well as punch lines.

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About The Other Chad

An old co-worker of mine thought my name was Chad. Since we had two Chads working there at the time, I was "The Other Chad."

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One comment

  1. Seen the movie, for free of course, must say that it was wierd. The whole Phyllis and The prince guy getting married was unnecessary. But Rosie DID say that she was. Eh. Im also glad that Rosie did more things then Sophia. She practically/did make it for Abigail to become queen. However,I really hate the fact that Rosie didnt sing and yet her name is on the albums. Wtf is that all about? I heard her sing and. Shes WAY better then the other girl. Maybe this movie would open her up and let her sing? If the other would let her. She’s an attention hog and her parents her snobby. Did you also notice that Rosie continued to do the same dance moves? She should go to dance classes. Also. There acting sucks. Instead of giving them a movie, put them on the Telly. Dan from Nickelodeon could help him with that and help them rise to fame with there own little show. Hes bot doing anything anyway since Sam &Cat is over. He could do the whole Ruby & Gwen thing or make then new characters and stuff. Just, no more movies from them unless they get better at the acting. Rosie was always a second behind Dx