Our own Seth Farber is “The Talking Dog,” and the proprietor of the mammothly impressive “The Dog Run – Breeds and Comments” blog directory, with dozens and dozens of entries ranging alphabetically from:
- A Brooklyn Bridge— a brand new blog by Brooklyn writer Glen England. The vast conspiracy of Brooklyn lefty bloggers is delighted to proudly welcome a new member, and Glen is pithy and subtle in his nastiness as he fights the power. Welcome to the revolution, Glen baby! And welcome to the hood!
TD Designation: Pug
- Winds of Changeis a multi-party blog, referred to above as Armed Liberal was moving most of his new blogging activity to W of C. Besides A.L., the site features the work of Joe Katzman, Adil “Muslimpundit” Farooq, Celeste Bilby and Trent Telenko. It’s an interesting mélange of opinion, and Armed Liberal seems to be the house lefty. The discussion moves seamlessly from economics to politics to history to politics to culture to politics… Engaging. A blogroll remains to be “voted on”. Remember who loves you, W of C!
TD Designation: Saluki
Yeah, those dudes rule as well (more Blogcritics)
Great resource for your bloggy strolling. Rock on Seth.