Holy. Shit.
Those were the first two words that came to mind as I began listening to Black Glitter, the latest release from Chicago's Suffrajett. Shredding all my ideas of what a woman fronted rock band was capable of in today's music scene, it was definitely an electric moment. I was hooked, and a fan for life.
Originally formed in the bustling heart of New York, lead singer Simi and guitarist Jason Chasko moved Suffrajett's home-base to Chicago in 2004, and have been quietly creating some of the rawest and truest rock music to have been recorded in the past fifteen years. I'll have you know that I'm saying that out of my own free will, by the way. Of course, the fact that Simi looks like she could easily kick my ass on a whim has nothing to do with it — Nothing at all.
All that does is make me take intense notice of any band photo she's in. you can never be too cautious when it comes to strong women, really.
Steamrolling in on one of Simi's four-counts, Black Glitter's opening track, "Down and Out" gives off the same vibe, now that I think about it. Explosive and driven by some extremely crunchy guitar riffs, I'm not sure that they could have chosen a more perfect way for the album to say hello to the eardrums of any potential listeners.
Swift uppercuts of sonic goodness have a way of making you pay attention, you see.
After barely giving you time to collect your thoughts and remember to breathe again, "Like You Better" slithers out from your speakers and just has its wicked way with you. Boasting a fantastic vocal from Simi, it's without a doubt my favorite track. From there we are visited by the heavy staccato beat that drives "Closer" as if it were headed for a cliff, the slow and seductive swirl that eventually coalesces into the lovely "Hurt Your Head," and on and on.
Writing this, I realize that I could literally go on and on about each and every song on this album, and how I love them. There isn't a single song on Black Glitter that I wish were different. In fact, my only complaint about the album is that I wanted more of it. Clocking in at just under 39 minutes, Suffrajett gets me all worked up, sweaty, and wanting more.
That's just what a rock album should do, really. In the end, I think that's the real reason that I found myself uttering those two words; from the crunch of "Mr. Man," the breathy sensuality of the vocals on "Shake Your Heart," the desperate plea of "Anybody Listening," to the severely funky bass-driven groove that growls through the album's final track, "Getcha' Good," there just hasn't been any rock record that's come close to being my idea of a perfect… as does this one.
Buy it. Listen to it. Cover your mouth so that other people are not offended when you drop your own version of "Oh Shit!" as you do so, and then do as I did and look up every single thing that Suffrajett has ever released.
In other words, see if you can wrestle away the title of "Biggest Fan" away from me. It won't be easy, though, 'cause I'm going to be feisty after listening to Black Glitter, again and again and again… You have been warned.