Wednesday , April 24 2024
Whether you accept Armstrong's highly detailed message of spirituality or not, I think we can all agree with him that there is much we do not know about our universe.

Book Review: ‘Messages from the Spirit World’ by David Armstrong

Messages from the Spirit World by David ArmstrongDavid Armstrong’s new book Messages from the Spirit World: Awakening Your Soul is bound to stun anyone who reads it. While countless authors today are making claims to have knowledge about the spirit world, Armstrong writes with such certainty and with more in-depth knowledge than I have read elsewhere that I cannot help wondering whether it might not all be true. He makes no claims here that feel overly exaggerated or unreal, but simply presents a very thorough exploration of the Twelve Dimensions, of which our world is but a small part, and then he explains our place within the Universe.

Armstrong begins by explaining that he has always felt a connection to the spirit world. As a young boy, he had spiritual guides who spoke to him and assisted him with difficult tasks, but pressure from family members and society made him quit listening to his guides until a near-death experience in college resulted in his being given an intense amount of information about how the universe operates and the different dimensions and realms that exist. To my knowledge, this information is far more complicated than in any other books I have read by people who have had near-death experiences, and for me, much of it rings true.

I cannot even begin to list, much less explain, all the information Armstrong shares in this short book review, but I’ll give a few highlights. The book is divided into three sections: The Structure of Our Universe, The Structure of the Mind, and Spiritual Communication. The first section explains the creation of the Universe, who is the Master Creator, and then breaks down the roles of the Twelve Dimensions; we humans reside in the Third Dimension. Special treatment is given to the Sixth Dimension, which is where we go upon death (or in Armstrong’s case, during a near-death experience). The Sixth Dimension’s different levels are all explained in detail.

We are also given insight into the dimensions where ghosts, angels, extraterrestrials, and other beings reside; information is provided about all of these beings and their purposes within the universe. Throughout this discussion, Armstrong presents a highly functioning and organized universe. Reading this explanation made me realize on a new level how humans are just a small part of creation, which we often forget, and at the same time, how amazing and full of mystery the universe is.

The book’s second part, on the mind’s structure, will be more familiar territory for most readers. Familiar concepts are discussed, such as the five senses and the ego; however, Armstrong has plenty of surprises in these pages, asserting that 31 senses actually exist, and he explains each one. He also discusses how the subconscious works (a far cry from Freud’s explanations), and what happens when we pray, including who actually hears and answers our prayers. All of this information will be food for thought, if not simply astounding, to readers.

Finally, the third part explores how we can communicate with our own spirit guides. The importance of the pineal gland is highlighted, as well as how we can improve our intuitive senses. The book concludes with a list of short answers to controversial questions and an overall review of the material.

I won’t give away all Armstrong’s information, but I will say he makes some surprising claims. He says he has spoken to Jesus and he explains what Jesus’ true mission was on this earth, an explanation that feels truthful to me and removes the focus on man’s sin and depravity, something I’ve always personally struggled with believing. While much of Armstrong’s information is surprising, I think it is all presented with logical arguments.

Each reader will have to decide for him- or herself what is or isn’t true in Messages from the Spirit World, but I think, with Armstrong, we can all agree that there is much we do not know about our universe, and science has revealed that we only use a small portion of our brains, so it seems very plausible we have powers of which we are unaware. Open-minded readers and those searching for purpose and meaning, which organized religions may not have been able to provide, will find here much to consider.

I suspect many readers also will find comfort in these pages; this book may well awaken people to valuing and trusting their own intuition and learning to use their God-given abilities to make this world a less-restrictive place where we can all embrace our creativity, uniqueness, and power to live more spiritual and fulfilling lives.

For more information about David Armstrong and Messages from the Spirit World, visit the author’s website.

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About Tyler Tichelaar