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"How To Live An Awesome Life" by Polly Campbell is an especially powerful exercise on how to transform a complaint into something positive. Five clever rules to consider may help you reframe the issue within minutes, so you can readjust quickly when the unexpected happens.

Book Review: ‘How to Live An Awesome Life’ by Polly Campbell

Keep a notepad handy as you read this book. On page after page of How To Live An Awesome Life Polly Campbell shares strategies to make us better. She is a cheerleader for guiding the reader to acknowledge their authentic self. The result may be a realization that a life lived with awe can free you to “access the amazing in everyday life.”
How To Live An Awesome Life
Filled with her own examples, you’ll find steps to turn ordinary events into meaningful moments. Each experience is an opportunity for greatness.

Exercises in each chapter of How to Live An Awesome Life let you internalize suggestions and make them relative to your unique situation. For example, after a bad experience, ask yourself “What if I had…?” and you may find a way to avoid a stressful situation next time.

In a highly personable and enjoyable manner, Campbell can help you break down walls, rewire your beliefs and finally realize your full potential.

An especially powerful exercise is to transform a complaint into something positive. Re-read it several times. Along the way you will find you are able to let go of negative thoughts and see a way to handle the problem. Even when we think we’ve got it all together, uncertainty can demolish our confidence and sap momentum. Five clever rules to consider may help you reframe the issue within minutes, so you can readjust quickly when the unexpected happens.

Similarly when conflicts arise, Campbell is a calming force as she helps you take it in, identify your triggers, and create a coping strategy to lead toward resolution of the problem.

Campbell’s book includes many sidebars, clever breaks offering examples and advice, and she ends each chapter with a “Night Cap,” suggesting you take a moment to reflect or notice ways you’ve learned tactics to improve.

There are many different paths to this higher level of being present in your day. By learning to live consciously you can find your way to the positive side of any issue. Tools include a few moments to meditate, practice self-compassion, and pushing your own boundaries. Soon you may find yourself living at your peak, instead of wrestling with doubt and negativity.

How to Live An Awesome Life is a book to grow with, to reach your personal best, and be a better influence on others in your life as well. Savor it.

About Helen Gallagher

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