Thursday , April 25 2024

About Blogcritics


Eric Olsen

Technical Director:
Phillip Winn

Executive Editor:
Lisa McKay

Music Editors:
Connie Phillips
Glen Boyd
Donald Gibson
A.L. Harper
Josh Hathaway

Books Editors:
Natalie Bennett
Kevin Eagan
Gordon Hauptfleisch
Bill Sherman (Comics/Graphic Novels)

TV/Film Editors:
Josh Lasser
Lisa McKay
Gordon Miller

Politics Editors:
Dave Nalle
John Bambenek
Nils Florman
Bryan McKay

Culture Editors:
Diana Hartman
Jon Sobel (Theater)

Sports Editors:
Matthew T. Sussman

Gaming Editors:
Ken Edwards
Toni Dimayuga
Brian Szabelski

Sci/Tech Editor:
Mark Buckingham

Tastes Editor:
Diana Hartman

Comments Editors:
Christopher Rose
Dr Dreadful

Review Material Overlord:
Anna Creech

Graphic Design:
Bryan McKay

More than 100,000 daily visitors rely upon — the famously "sinister cabal" of more than 2,500 writers — for the latest news, opinions, and reviews on music, books, film, TV, popular culture, technology, and politics. is an online magazine, filtered microcosm of the blogosphere, and a full service news and reviews source, covering all aspects of contemporary culture and society.

Every week, more than 250 new articles add to an archive of over 70,000 pieces dating back to 2002. Published articles on begin the conversation, after which commenters chime in to create an ongoing dialogue. Overall comments to total more than 600,000. is a new kind of online magazine, an interactive community in which writers and readers from around the globe talk about stories, issues, and products. If it's happening in the world – from global political issues to obscure rock bands, from the latest best selling novel to the TV shows that aired last night – has it covered.

Bloggers publish their stories at because of the immense value and benefits that are offered. writers gain an exponentially higher level of visibility than they could ever achieve through their home blog or website alone. That increased exposure often leads to increased traffic and enhanced search rank. Further, editors work with member bloggers to improve writing skills and reach "the next level."

An increased readership and heightened reputation, however, is matched by participation in an intensely committed and passionate online community. Other benefits that members enjoy include access to a vast array of review materials, including books, CDs, DVDs, film screenings, and concert tickets.

Over a 20-year writing, editing, and media career, Founder and Publisher Eric Olsen has written in depth on a vast array of topics including politics, current events, world affairs, popular culture, music, music industry, digital technology, opinion and commentary, etc., for periodicals, books, TV, radio, and the Internet. As an editor and author, he oversaw the compilation and publication of Networking In the Music Industry (Rockpress, 1993) and Encyclopedia of Record Producers (Billboard Books, 1999). In 2002, Olsen founded online magazine, the sinister cabal of superior bloggers.

Technical Director Phillip Winn built, very nearly from scratch. Winn is a self-professed writer and geek, and those passions come together in helping to run and manage both the technical and operational ends of Behind the scenes, Winn keeps the servers humming smoothly and manages all aspects of site design and software development.

A team of more than twenty editors works tirelessly to ensure that remains the premier Web destination for interactive news, commentary, interviews, and reviews. is an official Google News and Yahoo News source, syndicates content to online editions of newspapers around the United States via the Advance family of websites, and has won numerous awards, including a Bloggie,'s Best Media Blogs, and was recently showcased on the prestigious AlwaysOn and Technorati "Open Media 100" list. was founded in the summer of 2002 by veteran broadcaster and music journalist Eric Olsen. Originally conceived as a device by which music fanatics could receive free CDs on the condition that they write and post reviews online, the site quickly evolved and took on a life all its own. Hundreds of bloggers flocked to, and sections including politics, film, television, culture, and books were added to support a truly grassroots phenomenon. Product reviews came to be supplemented by news, interviews, and opinion articles. Writers and readers alike found kindred spirits online who were interested in both pop culture and the world at large. In 2005, online gaming, sports, and science/technology sections were added to the mix.

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AlwaysOn and Technorati "Open Media 100" Blog In Profile

A Yahoo! Pick of the Week

Best Media Blogs

Sarah's Picks
TechTV Blog Report

Blogcritics on NBC-TV
Mike Wendland's High Tech Talk

2004 Weblog Awards
Best Group Weblog Nominee

Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites

For more information on joining Blogcritics, please see here.

For information on advertising on Blogcritics or to send press releases and review material, please see here.

About Eric Olsen

Career media professional and serial entrepreneur Eric Olsen flung himself into the paranormal world in 2012, creating the America's Most Haunted brand and co-authoring the award-winning America's Most Haunted book, published by Berkley/Penguin in Sept, 2014. Olsen is co-host of the nationally syndicated broadcast and Internet radio talk show After Hours AM; his entertaining and informative America's Most Haunted website and social media outlets are must-reads: Twitter@amhaunted,, Pinterest America's Most Haunted. Olsen is also guitarist/singer for popular and wildly eclectic Cleveland cover band The Props.

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