Friday , April 19 2024

Bookworms and Slackers: Study Finds Women Better College Students Than Men

According to a timely back-to-school study released today by market research firm Student Monitor, college women are 35% more likely than men to study daily, 21% more likely to study 15 or more hours weekly, 23% more likely to read their textbook thoroughly, and more likely to get “A”s than their male counterparts.

This doesn’t suprprise me at all, based on personal experience. When I was in college, it took a studious, organized, demanding girlfriend to whip my distracted, disorganized dead ass into shape. Appalled by my study habits when we met in a class, she began studying with me, mapped out a plan and a schedule, and turned me into something resembling a “student.” Of course, after we broke up I reverted, but try as I might, I could not erase her steely strictures or their benefits from my addled brain.

In comparing men to women, the “study” study also found that nearly half of all women study daily compared to a third of men, 26% of men wind up studying after midnight compared to 19% of women, and men party 20% more often than women (prior to studying after midnight, one might presume).

Looking at study habits, Monitor found students who study daily are 40% more likely to earn an “A” than those who do not study daily: 41% of students study every day, while 18% study only once or twice a week. On average, students study 14 hours a week.

Overall, students who read their textbooks thoroughly rather than skimming, study daily, and study for 15 or more hours each week are far more likely to earn “A”s than those with less scrupulous habits.

I might add, “duh.”

Interestingly, students who attend two-year schools — who are more likely to work full time — were found to be 23% more likely to study efficiently.

“We’ve generally taken for granted that hitting the books translates to better grades and a more successful college experience. This research confirms that hard work matters, and quantifies the difference between those students with a set of solid study habits and those without,” said Eric Weil, managing partner, of Student Monitor.

The study of four-year and two-year students was commissioned by the Association of American Publishers trade organizations to help publishers and educators understand students’ study habits, and better determine what impact they have on academic achievement.

“Currently, only one-half of all public four-year college and university students are graduating in four years or less, increasing their debt and putting a strain on campus resources,” said Bruce Hildebrand, executive director for higher education at the AAP. “As a result, colleges and universities are under increasing pressure to improve student engagement and to help students graduate more quickly. We wanted to find out what more publishers could do to make their products better meet the needs of students,” he added.

I would sugget a national program to hook up all slacker male students with studious and bossy girlfriends.

About Eric Olsen

Career media professional and serial entrepreneur Eric Olsen flung himself into the paranormal world in 2012, creating the America's Most Haunted brand and co-authoring the award-winning America's Most Haunted book, published by Berkley/Penguin in Sept, 2014. Olsen is co-host of the nationally syndicated broadcast and Internet radio talk show After Hours AM; his entertaining and informative America's Most Haunted website and social media outlets are must-reads: Twitter@amhaunted,, Pinterest America's Most Haunted. Olsen is also guitarist/singer for popular and wildly eclectic Cleveland cover band The Props.

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